Tofu Nuggets

Crispy and juicy Sour Cream & Onion Chick’n Tofu Nuggets


  • 1 block of extra firm tofu, pressed & drained
  • optional freeze/thaw method for meatier texture
  • 1/2 cup sour cream, dairy-free
  • 2 tbl chopped chives
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • 1 cup panko
  • 1 tbl onion powder


🔹 Using a sharp knife, cut tofu block through its length forming 3 equal size slices. Then cut the block in half through its width- giving 6 pieces. Cut each of those pieces in 1/2 through its depth. Giving you a total of 12 nuggets. Season with salt & pepper

🔹 In a flat bottomed storage container combine & mix well, sour cream, chives, onion powder, & lemon juice. Place tofu pieces in marinade which will be thick. Brush the tops & sides of tofu to fully cover. Cover container & marinate at least 4 hours or up to overnight (for best results)

🔹 In a non-stick pan, toast panko in batches till golden over med heat. Place toasted panko in a shallow bowl with onion powder & salt/pepper

🔹 Dredge each tofu piece into panko using a spoon to help coat, & be sure to press panko into tofu so the coating will stick. Then place tofu on an oven-safe wire rack onto a baking sheet (or parchment paper).

🔹 Bake at 400 F for 20-30 min until tofu coating gets crisp & tofu gets firm. Serve with a squeeze of lemon! I enjoyed my nuggets over a big bowl of pesto pasta.
